100% Fiber Optic Internet Service Provider
based in Addison County

Fast, reliable, and affordable internet is as essential to everyday life as electricity. It powers our businesses, our schools, and makes it possible for us to connect to each other—and the world. But for many rural Vermonters, who have few to no choices when it comes to accessing the internet, these connections remain out of reach.
Maple Broadband, in partnership with Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom (WCVT), are jointly building high-speed fiber optic networks throughout our member towns. WCVT will extend its network to the unserved and underserved in its service area, and Maple Broadband will build a fiber-to-the-home network across the rest of the twenty towns.
We’re not just building a fast and reliable fiber network.
We’re building a more connected community.

Maple Broadband is a Communications Union District (CUD) based in Addison County. Our mission is to enhance the economic, educational, and medical well-being of the communities we serve by providing a reliable and affordable high-speed fiber internet network, supported by premium-grade customer service, to the households and businesses in our area. CUDs cannot tax their member towns or the residents of those towns. A CUD must fund its operations through grants, debt, and donations.
As a local initiative run by and for people like you, and powered by hundreds of volunteer hours, we’re committed to building the essential connections our friends and neighbors need to thrive.
Want to know more?
Register your address and complete a short survey to ensure that you’re kept up to date as this project moves forward and as additional service areas are scheduled for a fiber buildout.